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来源:实用中西医结合临床 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-15
摘要:扫码听读 Perhaps you are a corporate manager who is about to attend a few business dinners in China, or maybe you are meeting your significant other1significant other另一半;配偶或恋人。’s family at a dinner in way, you have


Perhaps you are a corporate manager who is about to attend a few business dinners in China, or maybe you are meeting your significant other1significant other另一半;配偶或恋人。’s family at a dinner in way, you have a strong sixth sense2sixth sense第六感,即“超感官直觉”(ESP)的俗称。that lots of drinking is involved during these Chinese social you would be right.


Differences in Chinese drinking culture drinking culture


2 There are a few differences that we outlined below, such as the alcohol of the general difference is this: In Western culture, a large emphasis is put on the beverage is a huge entertainment component in many Western more elaborate3elaborate精心制作的,即隆重的。dinners, an extensive wine and liquor list is presented.

2 我们在下文列出了中西饮酒文化的几点不同,如酒类选择等。不过,总体区别在于西方饮酒文化更关注酒本身。品酒是许多西方国家重要的娱乐消遣活动。较为隆重的晚宴还会提供品目繁多的红酒和烈酒清单。

3 In Chinese culture, a heavier emphasis is put on the you drink the wine or liquor with is more important than the actual drink.

3 而中国饮酒文化则重在人,也就是说,你和谁喝酒比喝什么酒更重要。

4 Depending on the type of person you are, Chinese drinking culture might seem fascinating, intimidating, confusing, or any combination of the three.To soothe any worries you might have about drinking in China, we put together this multi-faceted4multi-faceted多方面的;包罗万象的。guide to demystify Chinese drinking culture.

4 不同类型的人对中国饮酒文化的看法也不尽相同,或心驰神往,或望而生畏,或迷惑不解,或三者皆有。你可能会有点害怕在中国喝酒,为了消除你的忧虑,我们总结了这份全面指南来揭开中国饮酒文化的神秘面纱。

1.What you will be drinking


5Baijiu(bái jiǔ)—Also called sorghum5sorghum高粱。wine,baijiuis the drink of choice for business dinners in clear liquor is as intoxicating as tequila, with the added burning stench6stench臭味。of rubbing alcohol7rubbing alcohol医用酒精;消毒用酒精。.The most popular brand ofbaijiuis Maotai, which can be as strong as 60%alcohol-by-volume8alcohol-by-volume (ABV) 酒精含量的体积百分比,即酒精度。(compared to an average vodka at 40% ABV.)

5 白酒——即高粱酒,是中国商务晚宴中的常备酒。这种酒质地清澈,和龙舌兰酒一样醉人,又有医用酒精的灼热刺鼻感。最受青睐的中国白酒品牌茅台酒度数最高可达60度,而伏特加通常只有40度。

6 Red Wine (hóng jiǔ)—Red wine has increased in popularity at Chinese dinner tables in recent years along with the rising interest in luxury choices include top French wines such as Lafti or Latour.

6 红酒——近年来,中国人对奢侈品的兴趣与日俱增,红酒也逐渐在中国的餐桌上流行起来。法国的拉菲和拉图等顶级葡萄酒备受欢迎。

7 Beer (pí jiǔ)—Popular Chinese beer brands include Tsingtao and Harbin Beer, which are crisp, refreshing lagers that can cool the burning sensations from drinkingbaijiu.

7 啤酒——深受中国人喜爱的啤酒品牌有青岛啤酒和哈尔滨啤酒等,清爽沁脾,能有效缓解饮用白酒产生的灼烧感。

8 Some speciality alcohols may be consumed on certain holidays, such ashuangjiuduring Duanwu minorities also often have their own unique fermentation processes for different wines and spirits.

8 某些节日里,中国人可能还会喝上一些特制酒,比如端午节要喝黄酒(雄黄酒)。此外,中国的少数民族也常常有独特的发酵工艺,来酿制各种葡萄酒和烈酒。

2.Toasts and cheers


9 “干杯”(Gɑn bēi)is the drinking toast equivalent of “cheers” in , beware of the fact that “干杯”literally translates to “dry glass.” You may be expected to finish your drink after the toast.

9 “ 干杯”是一句祝酒词,相当于英语里的cheers。但值得注意的是,“干杯”的字面意义是“清空杯子”,也就是说,你应在祝酒之后一饮而尽。

10 “我敬你一杯” (Wǒ jìng nǐ yībēi)is used to toast to a specific person being toasted to is generally expected to at least take a sip of his/her drink.A more generous way of making a toast to someone is “我干了,你随意”(Wǒ gnle, nǐ suíyì), which means “I will finish my glass, but you can drink at your leisure.”

文章来源:《实用中西医结合临床》 网址: http://www.syzxyjhlc.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0415/765.html


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