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来源:实用中西医结合临床 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-15
摘要:10 “ 我敬你一杯”用于向某人敬酒。通常,对方至少要抿一小口来回敬。另一种更加大气的祝酒词是“我干了,你随意”,即“我会喝完这杯酒,你想喝

10 “ 我敬你一杯”用于向某人敬酒。通常,对方至少要抿一小口来回敬。另一种更加大气的祝酒词是“我干了,你随意”,即“我会喝完这杯酒,你想喝多少都可以”。

, quantity, and quality


11 It’s perfectly all right if you get drunk, even during business fact, it’s kind of you leave sober, your hosts might think they’ve failed to show the proper hospitality.

11 即便是商务晚宴,你喝醉了也完全没问题。其实这多少是大家期望之中的。如果你告辞时还很清醒,主人可能会觉得没有尽好地主之谊。

12 The bottom line is, it’s best if you drink whatever they give you.This is calledjiudan—“drink courage”—and the more you have of it, the course havingjiudandoesn’t automatically mean you have a goodjiuliang—“drinking capacity” or the ability to hold your this really doesn’t matter,as long as you have goodjiupin—“drink manners” or meaning the way you behave when inebriated9inebriated 酒醉的。.Ideally you’ll have all three, but if you don’t, the first one is the most important.

12 基本准则就是主人提供什么酒就喝什么。这叫作酒胆——“饮酒的胆量”,而且酒胆越大越好。当然,有酒胆并不意味着你酒量好。“酒量”即“饮酒的限度”或喝酒的能力。不过只要你酒品好,酒量大小也不重要。“酒品”指的是“饮酒仪态”,或者说喝醉后的行为举止。若三者兼具,那是最好不过了; 倘若不能同时满足,至少得有酒胆。



13 When clinking glasses, the junior people should always hold their glass lower than those of senior not only applies to business situations,but also to family dinners ( will hold his glass lower than father-in-law).

13 碰杯时,晚辈或下级的杯口应始终低于对方的杯口。这不仅适用于商务场合,家庭聚餐也是如此(比如,女婿向岳父敬酒时,杯口要低一些)。

14 If you are late to the party, you are expected to punish yourself by latecomers actually enjoy the “punishment,” as it allows them to catch up to the rest of the people at the party.

14 如果聚会时迟到了,可能得“自罚三杯”。其实大部分迟到的人都挺享受这种“惩罚”,因为这样可以赶上其他人的“进度”。

15 Whoever proposes a toast is always expected to finish his or her glass.

15 祝酒的人通常应该一饮而尽。

16 Lastly, it is considered extremely rude to refuse a drink after someone toasts you.The amount you drink after someone toasts you is tied to the amount of respect you are showing them.Of course, “drying your glass” is considered the utmost respect at the dinner table.

16 最后一点,拒绝别人敬酒是极其无礼的。别人向你敬酒,你喝多少意味着有多尊重对方。当然,“干了”是酒桌上对对方最大的尊重。

5.Other survival tips


17 Take it slow—Chinese dinners and drinking social events tend to go on for hours.It is truly a marathon, and not a order to make it through a long night of drinking, make sure to eat and hydrate between drinks.

17 慢慢喝——在中国,晚餐和酒局往往要持续好几个小时。这不是短跑,而是一场真正的马拉松。要想熬过漫漫长夜的酒局,一定要抽空吃点菜,喝点水。

18 Substitute—If you are struggling to keep up, try to drink beer instead you are feeling really drunk already, you can switch to tea and still keep up with the should never toast or clink glasses with water however, as it is considered bad luck.

18 寻找替代品——如果你实在不胜酒力,可以不喝白酒,改喝啤酒。如果已经醉得厉害,可以换成喝茶,这样也不至于被排除在外。不过,切忌以水来敬酒或碰杯,这样不吉利。

19 If you are truly unable to drink, you should bring up the fact at the beginning of the dinner, and request a pot of tea for will still be expected to keep pace with the rest of the group as the drinking festivities commence,butluckily, youwill only bedowningteainstead ofbooze10booze酒。.As long as you are able to participate in the toasts, cheers, and drinking games,people shouldn’t give you a hard time about not drinking.

19 如果你确实不能喝酒,应在饭前告知,并点一壶茶。酒局开始后,你仍旧需要参与其中,不过幸运的是,你可以只喝茶,不喝酒。只要你也跟着祝酒、干杯、划拳,大家就不会怪你不喝酒。

20 Don’t stress over it too much if all this seems strange and a foreigner, you have more leeway with your hosts in following these hosts will be glad as long as you are having a good time and the party is a success, so try to relax and enjoy! ■

文章来源:《实用中西医结合临床》 网址: http://www.syzxyjhlc.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0415/765.html


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