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来源:实用中西医结合临床 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-02-23
摘要:【4】In balancing the opposite forces, TCM believes that health is the state in which the body is in harmony other words,asThe Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperorstates, “Only whenyinandyangare prop

【4】In balancing the opposite forces, TCM believes that health is the state in which the body is in harmony other words,asThe Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperorstates, “Only whenyinandyangare properly preserved can one be in good shape; whenyinandyangare separated from one another the end of life comes”.Life is promoted byyinandyangwhen it goes with the flow, but restricted when it leans against the process of mutual promotion and restriction signifies nature’s survival law of the fittest, by laying the foundation of Chinese philosophy for cultivating health.

【5】In terms of the relationship between physique and spirit, TCM advocates that the two should be unified.“Physique” refers to the physiological parts of the body, including viscera, organs, muscles, veins,bones, hair and skin, while “spirit” denotes the mental state of a person,including thinking, consciousness, emotions, psychology, intellect and so on.It is believed by TCM that “Physique is the container of spirit,whereas spirit is the soul of physique; without physique spirit has no way to exit and without spirit physique becomes lifeless”.Whenever the balance is lost between the two, it will inevitably result in physical decline or even medical practice, a superb doctor is not confined to a rigid pattern of superficial treatment, but rather takes all relevant factors into account to really get to the causes of the illness,working out the most comprehensive and effective approach.

【6】Vitalqiemphasized by TCM is essential to have peace of mind.It is held that a person falling ill is largely due to the deterioration of his or her vitality and resistance.“Once vitalqiis preserved, there is no way for pathogenic factors to attack the body”, “if you are in a good mood,how can you contract illness?” expoundsThe Inner Canon of the Yellow ,The Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseasealso expatiates on the point that robust visceral functions can better resist pathological a result, a comprehensive theory of “deficiency syndrome” has been developed, which is one of the most original concepts of TCM, distinctly different from Western medicine (WM).Many complicated pathologies in WM are reasonably explained with effective curative results.

【7】Concerning disease prevention, TCM promotes the idea of“treating disease before it arises”.As stated in Chapter 26 ofThe Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, “An accomplished doctor treats a malady in its preliminary stage by detecting the patient’s overall symptoms,while blundering one starts to act only after an ailment has occurred or a condition has even worsened”.TheWritings of Prince Huainanfurther elaborates, “Good doctors always provide healthy people with prevention knowledge so they don’t get sick, in the same way that wise rulers constantly adopt preventive measures before disaster happens to avoid any calamity”.Unlike preventive medicine in WM, it’s easy to realize that in TCM person is always the primary target instead of the disease,and its disease-prevention approach pays special attention to defending against non-biological pathogenic factors, emphasizing how to improve the viability and quality of man in a natural environment.

【8】Besides, compared with the ideal model of health in WM, the concept of health in TCM is a dynamic one.To be healthy, one has to constantly adjust to both the changes in the outside world and the balance of the inner body, which are all thoroughly illustrated in theories of visceral manifestation,wuxing, three categories of etiological factors,seven emotions and so on, constituting an extensive, comprehensive and systematic health-and-fitness regimen.

【9】In short, deeply rooted in centuries-old traditional Chinese culture,the understanding of health in TCM, with its unique and holistic view on life, makes a great contribution to the well-being of mankind as whole.■

文章来源:《实用中西医结合临床》 网址: http://www.syzxyjhlc.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0223/598.html


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